Attorney | Advocate | Accomplice

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Small town roots gave me a strong lifelong love for the outdoors, and a passion for stewardship of creation and the environment. I love working to preserve and protect sacred natural spaces for future generations.



From a young age as a youth and children’s minister, and through my work with various mentoring programs, I’ve always felt called to serve children and I’ve gleaned many valuable life lessons in the process. Every relationship has its challenges, but it’s worth working through them to make a real and lasting impact.


Women’s Advocacy

As a co-founder of Emerge TN, I’m committed to training women to run for office. Advocacy is about more than just stating the obvious: it requires action. By creating more opportunities for women, we are helping women’s voices to be heard and respected.


Legal Work

I love a good challenge. From family and small business legal strategies to striking the right balance on multi-million dollar deals to inventing innovative new strategies for non-profits, nothing beats the excitement of being able to help people solve problems and get things done.



I’ve always felt called to give back in many ways, and teaching is no exception. The mission is simple: help my students find their voice, find their empowerment, and step into a new set of possibilities. Sometimes all it takes is a little information and a dose of inspiration!



Leadership comes from a lifetime of showing up, even when it’s hard and when the path forward isn’t clear. When you come to me for advice or guidance, rest assured that what you’ll get is based on having paid my dues, leading by example, and being willing to walk the walk.


Whether she’s advising nonprofits, counseling businesses, or serving as a mentor, Miranda’s mission is simple and clear: using the power tools of business to benefit communities and create level playing fields that give everyone an equal voice.

follow me on Insta @mirandarchristymontgomery


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